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Timesulin Testimonials: Khadija Alarayedh

1520733_10151870288817341_1535432420_n-1I live in a world that isn’t my own, with situations that I can’t control and a schedule that happens to be hectic. My name is Khadija Alarayedh, and I am a medical student. I was diagnosed with diabetes nine years ago, back when I was thirteen. Every stage with diabetes comes with a new challenge and ever since I went to college, the challenge remained the same. With medical school, my biggest challenge in regards to diabetes was remembering if I took my shot or not.I was running around from class to class with my head overloaded with medical information, and the last thing I would notice was going through major Hypos and Hypers which only slowed me down. The bigger problem was when I took my shot and had my lunch or breakfast. I would forget whether or not I had just taken my shot.  Sometimes I would take it again, and sometimes I wouldn’t risk it. But then again, it was a risk to forget such a thing! It could make me go into a coma, and I was too busy to notice. So what was the solution? It was simple – I didn’t have one.

I took part in the International Diabetes Federation programme called Young Leaders in Diabetes (YLD) in 2011, and there I met my solution. Timesulin! John Sjolund creator of Timesulin gave a lecture one evening about his creation, the idea of Timesulin, how it all happened, and how huge the distribution would be. All I kept thinking about was how the solution to my problem was in his hands. Unfortunately, it still hadn’t been distributed yet in the MENA region. Two years later in 2013, this creation has spread and I told myself that I had to have it – even if I had to ship it to my country. I talked to John, and a few days later I had it in my hands. It is the simplest, most effective creation I have ever seen and used. IT CHANGED MY LIFE! It truly has! I no longer forget to take my shot, no longer have to count how many hours it’s been since my last one. No more brain stress on whether I took my shot or I haven’t. The best thing about it? The battery lasts for a long time (so you don’t have to keep buying a cap every 2 weeks) and it doesn’t make any noise as well. It’s so simple, my 3-year-old nephew knows how to use it.

When my schedule is busy, I just bring out my pen and check the time since my last shot and go from there. Before bed I check the time on my Lantus, just in case I forgot to take it. I no longer have surprising hypos and hypers, no longer have to leave what I am doing to remember whether I took it or not.  It fits perfectly into my busy schedule. I never thought for a second that this problem could ever be solved, because it had to do with me and my own ability to remember. But that’s what is great about diabetes, isn’t it? We are never alone; diabetes brings us together for a smarter tomorrow. And thanks to John, a stress free tomorrow. Now, that I’ve tried it? I don’t think I can ever go without it. “With Timesulin? Challenge Accepted”

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