In Blog, Diabetes and exercise, Featured, Living with Diabetes, Personal Stories, Sports and Activities

Healthy Living and Diabetes is the World Diabetes Day (WDD) theme for 2014 – 2016. Thats why we are intoroducing to you yet another Type-1 hero that will inspire and spread awarness! Let’s get started :

1. Hi Andreas! Please introduce yourself. Who are you, age, where do you come from?

I was born and raised in a small town in northern Sweden. I’m 25 years old and I have been a type 1 diabetic for 21 years. I live with my girlfriend and our dog, I study economics at a Swedish university and I have way to many interests to mention them all, but two are working out and music.

2. Tell us a little bit about your journey since you were diagnosed as T1? Any specific high & lows from the journey?

Well I was 3 years old when I was diagnosed, so I don’t know anything about life before diabetes. So my journey with diabetes has been going on since forever. Of course it has been many ups and downs through out the years… But I think I manage it pretty good, so it’s mostly been ups. That being said, ofc it sucks big time being diabetic. Its like I manage it well, and I have good control over my blood sugar most of the times, but there is always this element of it sucking big time present. But like I said, over all its mostly ups.

3. Instagram! You are known as “DiabetesAbbe” or “DiaBadass” in the socialnetwork. Why did you decide to start the channel and do you have any specific goals with it?

I started my Instagram account this summer, and I did it to connect with other diabetics to start with. Then it grew and all of a sudden I had a lot of followers, and I wanted to make sure to make something good out of it. I try to be an inspiration, a good role model and just a fellow diabetic friend. I grew up without knowing a single other person with diabetes, so I know you can feel really lonely with your disease . If I can make some other diabetics feel less alone and a little more hopeful im really happy! 

Diabadass is just a hashtag I like to use. I think it stand for being a bad ass and kicking diabetes butt. Making the best of the situation and don’t letting diabetes stand in the way of your dreams and interests. Its all about taking control over your own life and your own body. Everybody has got their own way of being a #diabadass!

4. What’s your personal approach towards diabetes? How do you stay so positive about it?

I try to be positive because there is really nothing you can do about this situation. You know I’m stuck with this shit, and it doesn’t help me to be all grumpy about it. Sure I have days when Im really down and I feel like its unfair and really sucks to be diabetic. But if I would feel that way all the time it would slowly grind me down to being really miserable. So I try to be positive and make the best of it. A positive attitude really lightens the load you know.

5. People often have the wrong idea about Diabetes. Which misconception would you like to fix in terms of educating the public?

Possibly the most dangerous misconception is the mixup with the insulins effect on the blood sugar. Insulin makes the blood sugar go down, and carbs makes the bloodsugar go up. Not the opposite. And of course the classic, I’m not allergic to sugar and eating candy once in a while wont kill me. Haha.

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